數學探索工作坊 - Little Montessorian

Mathematics Apparatus Workshop

Mathematics makes use of concrete materials to help your child to understand the concepts of number, symbol, sequence, operations, and memorization of fundamental facts. The materials provide a sensorial basis for the child’s natural progression from concrete manipulation to abstract thought. They provide a wide range of opportunities for the child’s creative exploration of numerical and geometric relationships, and then increase the complexity from time to time.


This workshop will teach you how to present Montessori Materials in proper direction and gesture that you need to know when practicing Montessori Approach at home with your child.


Course Outline

  • How to set up home learning environment
  • Theory of Mathematics Apparatus (from concrete to abstract)
  • Observe child’s need and provide appropriate activities at the right time
  • Learn how to accurately present Montessori materials

Mathematic Curriculum


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