Montessori Playgroup (Trial Class)
$500 $250
想體驗蒙特梭利教育適唔適合自己小朋友, 由現時起至年底, 可參加我們的蒙特梭利體驗班
月費 $ 2080 ; 現可用 $520 上一堂
報名可致電Or Whatsapp 98493295
Join our DMS Montessori Playgroup Now!
Montessori Playgroup (1-2.5Y)
The Montessori method refers to “the absorbent mind” to describe the learning process of the child. Whatever the child is exposed to, whatever the child hears, sees and feels – these are all uploaded directly into the brain. The child is forming a life-long map of how the world feels looks and works.
Our Montessori Playgroup program for 12 – 30 months aims to foster the development of basic trust and to assist in the normal development of the child’s personality. Basic trust develops in an environment where people respond appropriately to the child’s communication of needs to be loved, respected, and accepted. Young children learn through their senses. They learn by watching and moving freely. Freedom to move is essential to the development of a child’s potential. Learning, which leads to independence, occurs when children have opportunities to participate in the daily routines of self-care.
Our main goal with this age is to assist the child in expanding their natural abilities. |
Mondday – Friday (any day) 10:45am -12:45pm / 2-4pm